What does it mean to Prosper?

Growing up I didn’t have much and basically waitressed myself through polytechnic. Everything was expensive to me because I really could not afford much. I would shop things only on sale and less than $20 at the most for a top. This was what I could afford at that time but somehow that mentality clung onto me even up till the days where I was way past earning $6 an hour 20 years ago.

You see, I had carried a poverty spirit around with ne for a long time. Even up till the time when I met God as my daddy, it was hard to believe that he would provide me more than just what I needed, and that he could even bless me with things that I desired but did not buy.

I remember this dream I had this year of myself looking at a menu and finding the cheapest dish to order because “everything was so expensive”, only to realize everyone else was ordering what they wanted because it was fully paid for and it was a buffet 😅🤣.

Just as I had been freed from my spiritual poverty, I was freed from my mental poverty as well. I lack no good thing because I have a father that is my provider and I have seen how he has provided over and over. He is last minute because he wants us to wait till the very end to see if we can trust him to provide, but he is never late and always on time – in HIS Time.

And I have learned that it is indeed truly “Seek First the kingdom of God” and all these things shall be added.

The more I learn that I’ve been given by Grace, the more I learn to Rest. The more I learn that it is more blessed to give than to recieve, the more I am able to recieve so that I can be a blessing to give. I can only give what I’ve first learned to recieve. ❤

“Beloved, I pray that you prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”