How To Save The World?

Have been reading the economist and posts by activists trying to promote “good” in this world and “change” and as I was just lying down just now, the thought came to me about how Jesus never tried to change the world with the ways of the world. He refused to be made King when Israel thought he was going to come save them by becoming the king and overthrow the Roman Empire.

We look to men and Presidents and leaders of our nations to “save” the earth and the world but the truth is that this world as we know it will surely deteriorate. The Earth will decay and in the last days, there will be earthquakes, plagues, death, floods and many will die. These are the signs of the last days – and trying to be an activist to save the world from what has been predicted to be its coming is futile cause it has been written.

The only way to save the world from darkness is not to be an activist to create awareness to let the world know how dark the darkness is. To be a voice to atrocities and to raise money is one thing – but what will bring lasting and everlasting change is only through being born again into another realm – one that has another king, in another kingdom. To eliminate darkness, there must be light – and Jesus is the light of the world.
The sooner we obey Jesus and preach the gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons, baptizing them in the name of Jesus and filling them with the Holy Spirit, the sooner we see the darkness eliminated as the more people are filled with Truth and Righteousness, peace and Joy, the less darkness and evil we will see in this world as Satan cannot use those lives and people to carry out his plans anymore. They will no longer be vessels and carriers of demons and darkness, but of the Holy Spirit and Light.

God’s ways are not our ways. Men try to treat the symptoms but God is about cutting and removing things from the ROOT and completely making us a NEW Creation. When we take things into our own hands and try to be “gods” in our own eyes, we think that the “good” we change lives but then we strive because the good will NEVER be good enough. And we tell ourselves, at least we tried and at least we did something. This often does not lead to any total transformation but only acts as a band-aid to problems and wounds that never go away – like pain-killers that wear off, alerting your body to the fact that you were never healed.

While we can temporarily do things that bring pleasure and relief or distraction from our pain and problems, God is the only one that can give us a complete deliverance and set us free – because so many things seem physical and natural but are actually SPIRITUAL and unseen to the human eye.

The ache of our hearts and the longings of our spirit produce a thirst that can never be quenched except by the filling and indwelling of the Holy Spirit, The spirit of God himself within us. He is the gift that Jesus came to give us – so that we could come into such unity and one-ness with God as we literally become the temples of His Presence, where he makes home in us – and we become complete.

He did this through a gift of Grace – extending a reset button to humanity – through sending Jesus ( God himself in his son in the form of a man without sin), so that he could represent humanity and give his life and pay the penalty of sin through his death on the cross. For God is a righteous God, and no sin can go unpunished, and he had to carry out righteous Judgement on mankind’s wickedness – but gave us Jesus to take that on for whoever would believe in him and receive this pardon and gift.

That by the name of Jesus, and Jesus himself, sets the captives free and make the lame walk and the blind see. At his name, every knee must bow and every demon must leave because at the cross, sin and death were defeated when he made atonement through his blood and redeemed mankind from our disobedience to God through HIS obedience.

THIS, THIS SIMPLE TRUTH but POWERFUL GOSPEL. THIS, THE KINGDOM OF GOD – Where JESUS is KING in this Kingdom – is the game changer. Where the kingdom of God is, darkness has to flee , demons have to leave, sin will be removed. Where Jesus is King, Women will not be oppressed and abused, children will be given a hope and a future, men will protect their nation and families, the poor will be looked after – poverty will be erased as God’s wisdom and favour and blessings will be upon his people. Economies will change. Wages will be fair. Corruption will be eradicated when leaders are in the Kingdom of God and not serving the “gods” of darkness.