Lessons From John the Baptist

Yesterday it occurred to me that if John the baptist knew that Jesus was the lamb of God and had already said – “behold the lamb of God” …

Why did he not follow him like the other disciples who followed him but continue to make his own disciples and then in the end send his disciples to ask Jesus if he was the one or were they to wait for another?

Did he not already see the holy spirit descend on Jesus like a dove?

Why did he not follow Jesus knowing that He was the messiah initially? He was the one who proclaimed it?

To the point he was continuing to make disciples of his own… and got offended that more were following Jesus? Or his disciples were.

Why ? When His ministry was supposed to prepare the way of the Lord, and when the Lord came, why did he not step aside and follow Jesus ?

I wonder if this is why in the end he stepped out of alignment with His purpose or what God was calling him to do ?

What would it have been if he decided the lamb of God – the Messiah – who was Jesus his cousin?! Was here… and that He should humble himself and tell all his disciples to follow Jesus instead and not him.

What if he did that, would he have become one of the apostles sent out to preach the gospel and continue baptising into Jesus vs baptism of repentance only?

Can we like John sometimes be so fixated on our previous assignment and calling that we fail to see when the assignment has been fulfilled and we need to seek God for the next purpose?

Jesus is always the purpose and God’s final word is His Son.

Do we do ministry to usher in God’s presence and then when His Presence comes, not know when to step aside and let Him take over?

Do we end up getting offended at Jesus when He gets all the Glory even when we “worked so hard” to show people the way to Jesus?

Or do we get offended when other people, other disciples and ministers and pastors and leaders or even just nobodies that Jesus chooses to use get to harvest what we had put in some effort to sow?

I’m thinking of Paul’s words when he said neither those who sow or harvest are anything if not for God sending the rain and sun.

We cannot make anything happen we can only be faithful vessels to hold what God decides to pour through our lives or into our hands. 🥹🤍